STARS Letter of Distinction - UCSD

July 22, 2021

Dear Dr. xxx,

As the faculty director of the UCSD School of Medicine “Choosing Wisely STARS (Students and Trainees Advocating for Resource Stewardship)” program, I am writing this letter of commendation for student name, who has distinguished herself as a student making a unique and meaningful commitment high-value healthcare. 

At an early stage in her medical career, student has

  1. Completed the full 10 module curriculum “Discovering Value-Based Healthcare” from the Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin.
  2. Completed the UCSD School of Medicine elective course “From Volume to Value: Empowering Students to Ensure a Future of Accessible Healthcare (MED 285)”
  3. Joined and participated in the student High Value Care interest group
  4. Drafted a written statement of commitment to a future practice that incorporates high-value care, which I have personally reviewed.

Her accomplishments were reviewed, and this letter of distinction endorsed by the national Choosing Wisely STARS organization, as evidenced by the co-signature below.   We are proud of his accomplishments and hope she continues to influence her peers and colleagues in a powerful way.  


Gregory B. Seymann, MD
Clinical Professor
Vice-Chief, Division of Hospital Medicine