Discovering Value-Based Health Care
Discovering Value-Based Health Care

What is value in health care? This course contains three modules, which introduce the concept of value in health care – outcomes that matter to patients / total costs of care – and describes what it means for both patients and clinicians. Module 2 explores different types of measures and discusses the importance of measuring outcomes that matter to patients (the numerator of the value equation). Module 3 confronts the confusing world of costs in health care (the denominator of the value equation), defining different cost terms and payment models, and exploring cost accounting and insurance coverage structure.
Course 1B examines what value-based health care delivery can look like in practice. The course contains two modules that cover the importance of working with teams to coordinate care around the needs of patients, including the description of two example delivery structures: Integrated Practice Units (IPUs) and Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs). Module 5 brings the concepts all together and shows real examples of how to put into practice the six guiding principles of value-based health care delivery.

Course 2 describes clear ways clinicians can practice high-value care in their day-to-day work . Module 6 describes how to decrease out-of-pocket costs for patients through high-value prescribing. Module 7 addresses communication techniques that build trusting relationships with patients and enable the delivery of high-value care.
This final course tackles how to create programs that will improve value in complex health care systems and includes three modules 8, 9, and 10. This course covers how culture influences the delivery of health care value and introduces strategies to catalyze local culture change, along with proven improvement methods. We also review value-based payment models and strategies for controlling cost as components that can support the delivery of value-based health care.

The opioid epidemic is the public health crisis of our time, as deaths from opioid misuse continue to rise dramatically across the United States. Stigma towards patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) remains a substantial barrier to individuals living with addiction accessing health care and receiving appropriate treatment. The aim of these modules is to help health care providers confidently identify and address stigma surrounding opioid use disorder, to ensure the delivery of equitable and compassionate health care for all patients living with opioid addiction.
Value Conversations Series
The ABIM Foundation, in partnership with Consumer Reports, has developed and implemented the Choosing Wisely®campaign to encourage clinicians and patients to engage in conversations aimed at avoiding unnecessary tests and treatments. More than 75 medical specialty societies partnering in Choosing Wisely have collectively published nearly 500 evidence-based recommendations that can be used as critical guideposts to inform these critical conversations help create a culture that recognizes more care does not mean better care.
Costs of Care with the help of The University of Chicago has developed four free, web-based, educational, CME-approved, 15-minute modules to support clinicians in their efforts to deliver high-value health care.

First, Do No (Financial) Harm: Having Value Conversations with Patients
For the average American, out-of-pocket costs can be financially burdensome and have led to an increasing recognition that medical care can result in a side effect called “financial harm”. This financial harm can lead to other negative downstream effects, such as patients avoiding future helpful medical tests, procedures, or therapies; an inability to participate in other health programs; or going without basic needs such as food. Watch this module to see what happens when you use a 3-step framework to consider your patients’ financial burdens.

GOTMeDS: Having Value Conversations with Patients about Medication Costs
Rising out-of-pocket drug costs can lead to medication underuse, resulting in poor disease management and costly complications. Watch this module to see what happens when your patients experience cost-related medication nonadherence.
Value Conversations with Clinicians

Teamwork Time: Having Value Conversations with Inter-professional Team Members
Research has shown that inter-professional communication improves patient outcomes in regards to quality and safety. Inter-professional communication can improve the value of health care as well. Watch this module to see how value is improved when clinicians better communicate with one another.

Costly Conversations: Having Value Conversations with Supervisors and Consultants
Many of us can recall times where we had to respond to a supervisor who was asking us to do something for a patient that we did not necessarily agree with, or a situation where the supervisor’s motivation was unclear. Watch this module to see what happens when you use a simple framework to engage supervisors and consultants in value conversations.